21 day social media meditation
Are you ready to commit to this? It needs to be something to dedicate yourself to, no matter what. There will be days when you don’t feel like doing it. Perhaps mornings when you wake up and you think another 10 minutes in bed will be much more beneficial than sitting to meditate, but you will be wrong. Because this truly is a life changer. Of all my practices meditating daily has been the most potent, most powerful changer, and something I now can not go without.
I tried meditating for many years. Looking back I now see I was too young, uncommitted and just not ready. But perhaps if I had some support and guidance I may have stuck with it. Which is why I am offering this free ’21 day social media meditation’. I feel that the majority of society uses Facebook daily, so why not use it as a positive, rather than what it can turn into which is a big fat “My life is wonderful, perfect and so much fun!!!!” When we all know that no one persons life is as perfect as Facebook shows it to be. It is my goal to use this platform as a means to honestly connect, and this can begin with a shift in consciousness, which can all begin from simply sitting your ass down and meditating.
How it will work –
You need to do the work. I will give you the tools, but you need to build the habit.
We will begin 11th January and our time together will end on 31st, while this will be the beginning of you going it alone I will be just an iPhone away and ready to help you out if you slip up, or answer any questions you may have. I will share tips with you along the way, simply through posts on Facebook. There will be 3 lead meditations to help you out, which I will upload onto Facebook, or you can just sit silently, whatever works for you. It is good to try a few different methods and see what you are comfortable with. I will be offering up lead meditation, and teaching you how to use your breath as a focus, or a mantra. Each of these are very simple, the key is taking the information and putting it into practice as this is the only way to integrate and be able to make an informed decision on what works for your mind. There will also be 2 free 30 minute meditation classes on offer, the perfect opportunity to really immerse yourself in this practice. These will be 5:30am Tuesday 19th and 7:30pm Thursday 28th, at my studio in Miami. This will hopefully give you the chance to experience a wonderfully deep meditation, which will be great motivation to continue on your journey.
- What you need to do –
Choose a time. We will be starting with 5minutes. I highly recommend doing it as soon as you wake up, but I also understand this does not work for everyone so before bed can also be a good time. Over the 3 weeks we will be building up to 15 minutes of sitting. Get yourself a timer! - Create a space. Nothing fancy, just somewhere you can sit comfortably upright. If you have serious issues with sitting without support then take yourself to sit with your back against a wall, or even in a chair. It is important that you sit, as we are trying to get energy moving up the spine to the heart and head. Also there is a big chance you can fall asleep when laying and meditating!
That’s all! Just turn up. Day after day after day, if you loose momentum just think about all the other meditators out there doing their time, and it will remind you that you are not alone. I will be here supporting you, keep checking in as I really want to know how you are all doing. Happy sitting!
Alicia xxx