3 tips to save you 3 kilos
Easter is such a great time of year, it seems to pop up so fast and before you know it here we are with 4 days off and nothing holding us back. Eggxcept (hehe I had to throw one in there!) haven’t we been working our butts off to get to our fittest healthiest selves? Haven’t we gotten rid of any extra Christmas kilos and now are feeling good about ourselves? Don’t we have goals in mind that we are determined to stick to? Well stress less my pretties there are ways of keeping the damage down and fighting fit after our break rather than feeling like a stuffed little Easter egg….
1. Keep moving – all this time off gives us time to move! Do things you can never fit into your life usually, like walk up Mount Warning?! Choose outdoor activities with your loved ones and get up to kick the ball around, go for a bike ride, hire a stand up paddle board and get onto the water, just move everyday.
2. Don’t start eating ‘bad’ food until the evening – Ok so most of us are going to eat some food we wouldn’t usually eat, and that’s ok! We deserve a treat, and food can be a simple pleasure to be enjoyed, but it goes beyond this when we binge all day. So choose your ‘sometimes’ foods and save them for later in the day, thinking shouldn’t we have our high calorie foods in the morning?! Well yes most definitely, however once we have stepped over that line from good honest healthy food to the darker side of chocolate, chips and cheese it’s harder to go back.
3. Stay busy – now being busy does not mean fill in each day so you have no time for yourself. This can mean take a bath, read a book or do a yoga class, just take time to take care. If you notice yourself standing at the cupboard looking at the uneaten Easter eggs then walk away, make yourself a cup of tea and write in your journal. Meditating can be an incredibly useful tool to avoid overeating as it creates a mindfulness which is often lacking when we binge eat.
Also check out all the fantastic, healthy Easter treats out there in cyber space, I will be putting a few up on my Facebook page, it’s incredibly easy to avoid all sugar over Easter with the yummy raw and sugar free options available now.
Enjoy this break, both your body and your mind need it, look at it as a time for self love and self care, and be safe xxx