A drop in the Ocean

After posting photos and small insights from my time away in the presence of His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, I thought I would share a little more of my self discoveries. The meaning of ‘Dalai Lama’ is ‘Ocean Wisdom’ and this sums up His Holiness perfectly – he is an Ocean of Wisdom and being in His presence feels as though you are directly plugged into the Source of The Universe, powerful stuff. The Dalai Lama is the 14th incarnation and is The bodhisattva of compassion, bodhisattva meaning The One who is able to reach Nirvana/Enlightenment but delays in doing so through compassion of the suffering of all beings. After seeing His Holiness speak 4 times I can honestly say, from my very limited knowledge of the subject, that He is most definitely an enlightened being.


So anyway now on to me, as is the way with us unenlightened ones, we like to make it about ourselves! After spending some time contemplating the teachings, amongst nature and away from my ‘life’ I came to the firm realisation on the power of compassion for all beings. When you have a realisation you are able to understand an idea or concept so clearly that it changes your way of being, it allows you to break away from old habits and form new ones around the point of realisation. The power of this realising is huge. It took me back to the way I have lived in the past, with much love and compassion for those around me, however much frustration and angst for those who annoy me. So think about it like this – that person that cut you off when you were driving, send them love and compassion for they may not have meant it, they may be suffering, they may just be running late for something very important to them. To that old partner who broke your heart, send them love and compassion as they were in their own pain and struggle and needed to change, or maybe they were just being selfish but they still deserve happiness. To the snotty nosed little kid who really grates on you, love and compassion, get it? It’s not an easy thing to do, and even harder to really mean it. We don’t need to come up with the ‘why’ each of these people deserve it, we know they do, because….every single being deserves to be content. When you think about this properly, I mean clear your mind stream and truly imagine all the people and animals on Earth, it is an obvious fact that they all deserve to live in peace. I don’t think there would be many of you out there who would deny that simple fact? And if you do then it’s time to go do some self study! Just because someone is annoying, or hurt you, or is a different colour or religion or just likes different things to you, doesn’t mean they are completely different. At our most basic, primal level we all want the very same things for ourselves.

Every single being on Earth wants for the same things, to be free from suffering and to be happy, even the really annoying people who talk to you like crap and display negative habits towards those around them deserve these simple things. It is very easy to show love and compassion towards those we like, not so easy to practice this to those we don’t. So how do we do this? For me, now that it has dawned on me that I had been doing it the wrong way around for all these years, I will practice love and compassion daily to everyone I come across, especially those who I do not get along with, and believe me there are some people who I will struggle with, but these are the ones who need it most as they are in their own pain and will have suffering to contend with for many lifetimes to come.

Yoga at Uluru

A few years ago a lovely Buddhist Nun taught me the following meditation on compassion. I knew it was important, and still use the message to end every class I teach, however I never truly grasped the power in it until this past weekend.

Compassion Meditation ~ May all beings be Well, Happy & Peaceful

Think of yourself – repeat in your mind 3 -6 x ‘May I be Well, Happy & Peaceful’ and really mean it
Think of someone you love – repeat in your mind 3 -6 x ‘May ______ be Well, Happy & Peaceful’ and really mean it
Think of someone whom you feel neutral towards, no feelings at all – repeat in your mind 3 -6 x ‘May ______ be Well, Happy & Peaceful’ and really mean it
Think of someone who you dislike, feel negative feelings towards, or could call an enemy – repeat in your mind 3 -6 x ‘May ______ be Well, Happy & Peaceful’ and really mean it

Finally I want to thank my Aunty Kaz who took me on this journey. I am so blessed to have you in my life, I will never forget our experiences together and I am eternally grateful that you showed me the way to His Holiness.

Alicia xxx

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