Creating space

We all know the feeling of being too close to a problem, unable to find a solution as we can’t see the forest through the trees. But how do we create space around issues when life is so busy we seem to move from one thing to the next?

I’m yet to discover how to do this in my day to day life, which is why I take time off each year to create space in my head, body and whole existence.
Of course there’s always yoga. A good Yoga practice will offer us this space, a healthy escape from the busyness and ‘doing’. But things can slip out of balance so there are just too many things on our to do list that one more, even though it may be enjoyable and beneficial, can tip the scales.

There is nothing more beautiful than having a thought, an idea, a solution jump out at you, as though it were there all along but you weren’t looking hard enough, or perhaps more correctly you were looking too hard and you saw straight through it. This is what I have been experiencing over the past 3 or so weeks, having stepped away from life to create more space, balance and presence. It’s not easy. It took me a good few days to simply let go of social media, of what I ‘need’ to do when I return, what I ‘should’ be doing right now. I have had panicked moments of feeling like everything is costing too much and thinking we ‘should’ (again with the friggin should’s!) be earning rather than spending. But all this has passed in time with the realisation that, this is IT, this is LIFE and this is the time to LIVE IT.
By clearing some space in my head I have been able to assess where I am in life, and where it is I would like to be. It’s too easy to get caught up in the river of existence, trying to keep your head above the water, pay off the mortgage, get kids to school, keep a business running, trying to be the absolute best you can be, all the while forgetting how lovely it is to just be, and how important all the beautiful moments in-between are.

At the start of this trip I felt tight, stuck and heavy. As time has gone by this has lifted and I seem to be creating space not only in my head, but also in my body. Even though I haven’t been eating anywhere near as healthy or as little as I do when at home, I feel lighter when I pick myself up to jump through. It’s as though I was carrying around a whole heap of unnecessary thoughts, concerns and trivial issues. Discovering some space around these things has helped me see that life can be simple, even when it seems we have million things to do, the world will not end if we don’t do them. We can, we must, stop and remember to give ourselves a break. The only way to grow as a human being, is to be. Stop doing, and be.

To create space I’ve realised I need to give up some precious area in my mind and let go of the things that really don’t matter – feeling fat, shouldn’t have eaten so much at lunch, throw it away. Didn’t get a walk in today, shouldn’t have been so lazy, toss it. Need to check emails/facebook/instagram again what if I’ve missed something, forget about it! We must choose our thoughts wisely, as they are what make up our days, then our days make up our weeks, our weeks our years, and before we know it we have spent whole life times thinking about….

Alicia xxx

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