Dirty Dozen and Clean 15

To go organic or not?

The Great Debate!

Have you ever had an unhealthy person justify their habits with this type of comment…”I may be drinking/eating ….insert common crap soft drink/food….but that apple you are eating is covered in chemicals and is just as bad for you” to which you smile knowingly and walk away!

While there is still no comparison between ‘fake food’ and fruit and vegetables it is true a lot of crazy funky stuff is passed every year by the FDA to go on our food. For a long time it has been common knowledge that there are many pesticides and insecticides sprayed on our much loved fruit n veg. It has also been discovered that our once fertile flourishing with minerals soil is now devoid and depleted. So the obvious answer would be to buy organic right? Well unfortunately it is costly, not always readily available and not always fresh, some organic produce having travelled further than we would like to think. I have had a list of the ‘Dirty dozen and Clean 15’ in my purse for years and it has been such a wonderful tool for me when it comes to buying organic. I cannot afford to buy everything organic and by following these principles I feel I’m doing my best to feed my little family fresh, chemical free food.

  • The dirty dozen and clean 15 ~ this is a great tool for choosing what fruits and vegetables you should, if possible, but organic and the ones that you can save your money on and buy conventional.
  • Buy local ~ find a farmers markets where you can go and talk to the farmers about what they use on their crop, where the food comes from and even when it was picked.
  • Eat quality not quantity ~ If you choose to eat meat you don’t need to eat it more than once, twice at most, a week so by doing this you can afford to buy organic free range.
  • Grow your own! ~ You don’t need much space to grow your own veggies and it is such a great thing to get kids involved in. There are lots of websites with information on seasonal growing and make your own insect sprays.
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One Comment

  1. Tricia
    16 hours ago

    Just copied the dirty dozen and clean 15 list interesting!!! I guess u must also buy more frequently and just what you need that will lessen waste etc. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge and tips throughout 2012 here’s to a happy and even more informative year with ‘happy fit’ merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family keep safe and enjoy (the cheesecake is to die for!!!!!!) lots of love xoxoxoxo


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