Easy Cheesy Icing

Here is my little ones favourite icing for her birthday cakes. While cream cheese is most definitely not something you would usually find in our fridge, this recipe is simple and healthy, leaving out all the usual icing sugar, colours and crap you find in ‘normal’ birthday cakes!
- 250g Cream cheese (we use the old favourite Philadelphia cream cheese regular, not light!)
- 2-3TBsp maple syrup (depending on how sweet you like it)
- 1-2TBsp raw honey (also depending on how sweet you like it)
- 1/2-1 tsp grated raw beetroot (depending on how pink you want it)
- Pinch of salt
Place the cream cheese and salt in a blender, then try adding just a little of the maple syrup, honey and beetroot and keep tasting until you get the desired sweetness and colour. You will need to blend a lot, approx 3 minutes to get the icing nice and smooth and get the colour to work all the way through. Spread onto cooled cupcakes or cake. We love putting them on these.
Options – I have also used blueberries to colour purple/blue and Chlorophyl to colour green but don’t have the exact amounts for these…will get back to you on that!
Alicia xxx