Moving Forward
When I teach I let words flow from me. Often they follow similar patterns and themes, but occasionally something comes out that makes me think, Ok this is something I need to look at in my own life. As it flows from me I realise it is obviously in my peripheral vision, this has come up for a reason, and I start to search a little deeper for meaning behind the teachings. This may sound weird, or otherworldly, but it’s really quite simple. We are all vessels in which the Universe works through. If we can get out of the way then life will flow.
Today is a new Moon and the first day of Spring, it’s time to move forward. If I’m not moving forward I feel I am moving backwards. Life can get you down unless you feel you are growing, shifting, changing and developing your skills. You may think it’s not always possible to do such things when days are already so crammed full of things to do, but it is always possible. When I’m talking about moving forward it’s not a case of quit your job, sell your home and go travel India for 12 months (although this would be really awesome if it’s what you’ve been dreaming of doing). It may be a simple case of, I want to get out of bed 15 minutes earlier, or I want to try a Yoga class! There are always ‘things’ floating around in our sub conscious, stuff we think we will do ‘one day’ or perhaps would love to do, but don’t feel we ever could. We come up with a million reasons why not, and build boundaries and blockages that become bigger and bigger over time and harder to break through. So this is where the ‘shifts’ come in to play. In the Yoga/holistic/alternative world we often talk about shifting, and what this simply means is changing our mindset around a pre conceived idea we had about ourselves or the world around us. It’s a huge deal as by changing the way we think, we are able to open up all sorts of doors we previously thought of as closed off to us, locked and bolted, never to be able to cross over to that other side in this life. We put our ‘things’ to the side, although we may have loved to do them, it’s not for us because….insert excuse here….
The time is now. No more living small, jump in and live your life BIG. There are all sorts of opportunities out there for every one of us, we each have something very special and magical to add to this life, and you are only hurting the greater good by resisting. Sit back and think, if you could do anything, go in any direction, take any challenge, or make any small or huge change in your life – what would it be? Now go out and DO IT! Those out there living lives of their dreams are not the lucky or blessed ones, they are the ones who fight for it, who regularly step out of their comfort zones and do stuff they don’t really want to do, because they know it will lead to bigger and better stuff.
Where to start – just sit. Sit and reflect. Sit and breath. Sit and think. Allow everything and anything to drift into your mind stream, follow it a little way and it may lead somewhere wonderful, or it may take you to a dead end. It doesn’t matter, just work out what that thing is. You may already be hearing what it is loud and clear, you are the lucky ones. Go forth and move forward towards all that you dream and desire. For me I have always wanted to lead a different and inspired life, always wanted to know all about health and wellness, always wanted to work in a job with flexible hours, so this is where I place my energies. I have always wanted to live in Northern NSW, always wanted to teach Yoga teachers, always wanted to send our daughter to Steiner school, so that’s where I’m headed. It’s not always easy, in fact it’s anything but. It’s tiring at times, frustrating running a business solo, scary continuously going out of my comfort zone. But the scarier option would be to stay put, and just exist.
There are 2 comments on this post
Yes! Yes to everything here. And this picture is super cool, but super dangerous too (wink wink).
Hehehehe – no comment!