Practice Makes Perfect

The Practice of YogaAs a teacher of yoga, it can be a challenge to fit in your own practice, not only because the only times classes are on are the same time as you teach, but also because, when you give so much energy to your work, when you do have time off it can be very tempting to kick your feet up and relax. But I feel practising what you preach is an essential part of furthering yourself not just as a teacher, but also as a yogi.

Tonight I participated in a fun, active class and feel completely balanced, clear and content after doing it. But it was, as it often is, a struggle to get there.

After being with my busy little girl all day, I was feeling exhausted. My husband was running late and walked in the door 8 minutes before the class was due to start (luckily it was only 2 minutes away), to which I reacted badly and left in a terrible mood. As I ran out to my car, my baby burst into tears which, of course, broke my heart. “Just go!” my head told me.

As I lay on my mat, I let go. I came into the present moment, focused on my breath and allowed my day to slip away into the background. For the next 90 minutes, my mind concentrated on asana (poses or the physical practice of yoga), following the instruction of the teacher. For the first time all day, my head wasn’t ruled by my thoughts or emotions.

Yoga is like my warm bath, it’s my time to rejuvenate and balance my mind, body and soul. I feel so grateful that I found yoga and that it helps me to be a better person, a better mother and a better wife.

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