Staying put….for now

I have had lots of people asking when we are heading to Byron. I realise this is probably because I had been telling everyone ‘yay I’m moving to Byron Bay’ and it hasn’t happened, so I thought I’d let you know the plans and why.

If it was up to me we would’ve moved down south 18 months ago and I would be on to the next thing, but unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) things don’t happen like that when you are half of a partnership. I am extremely spontaneous while my husband is anything but, and I love him for it, most of the time. He is meticulous in everything he does, taking time to think and plan and see all sides of every issue. While I jump at things like a bull at a gate, act now think later is my motto for living. So between the two of us we have had many discussions, had Lotus enrolled in school only to wait too long to confirm then loose her space, spent many hours looking at properties and not finding the right fit, and have now come to a place of acceptance that it is just not happening, yet.

When things are meant to be the Universe tends to help you out and there will be a flow, a natural rhythm that takes over and helps to make change happen fairly seamlessly, this was most definitely not the case. I found I was pushing, coming up against so much resistance, fighting and becoming frustrated, feeling stuck on all levels until I had to take a step back to look at the whole move from another angle. When you are too close to a problem you can’t see straight and things become overwhelming. When this is happening we need to step back to gain some clarity and look at the bigger picture at large. Once I allowed myself to do this I saw things as they are. Life is good on the GC. I have an incredible support base around me, friends, Yogi’s, the ocean at my front door, access to good healthy food and some amazing holistic practitioners who have been helping me through struggles. I also saw that I have been struggling, nothing too dramatic, simply the suffering that comes with being a human, experiencing loss and self doubt. No big life decision should be made unless you are anything but your absolute best self. So this is where we are at. Not right now. It’s in the longer term plans down the track when we are all ready and when life decides to make it happen with us.

In the meantime I will be having 3 months off next March-May to be in Byron where I will be doing a mentorship with my beloved teacher. During this time I will be teaching limited classes, just a few evenings here and there to stay connected, and some Prenatal Yoga on Saturday mornings. Come June I will be back teaching and adding a few classes down in Tweed as I embark on another exciting adventure with my Yogi nearest and dearest Darci, more on that later!

I want to thank you all for your ongoing support, for being beside me through life’s ups and downs, for continuing to dedicate yourselves to practicing and becoming more whole, together.

There are 3 comments on this post

  1. Cherie
    14 hours ago

    Thanks for sharing Alicia. xx

  2. Karen
    9 hours ago

    So cool to share what’s happening, thank you. Happy to hear that you are staying! My husband is the same as Pat and I’m more like you. Keeps the relationship interesting. 🙂
    Thanks for being you x

    1. Alicia Author
      4 hours ago

      And thank you for being you! So appreciate all of your support and practice xxx


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