children health

Raw Muesli Bars

Raw Muesli Bars An awesome healthy, nut free, lunchbox treat… You need; 1 cup of shredded coconut 1 1/2 cup mixed seeds and dried fruit – I use a yummy mix with buckwheat kernels, sesame/flax/pumpkin seeds. millet, sultanas and gogi berries 6 fresh dates, pitted 1/4 cup tahini 1/4 cup raw honey 1/4 cup melted coconut oil 1 tsp vanilla

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My rant

I’m over it. How is it normal practice to feed your children chemically, sugar and trans fat laden food and to sit them in front of an IPad, but it’s strange to take care in the food you nourish your babies with and choose to teach them to communicate and be in the world around them? I have had enough,

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