gold coast yoga

Raw chunky choc slice

I have now had to have an enforced break from this slice, it is simply too good. While there are a few steps it is relatively easy and well worth any effort. A big hit with all members of the family we were rationing it out in the last few batches to make sure everyone got their fix. Hope you

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Yoga Philosophy – Self Study

Getting to the pointy end of the Niyama’s, the second limb of 8 limbs of Yoga, we find ourselves at Svadhyaya – self study. Yoga Sutra 2.44  svadhyayat ishta devata samprayogah From self-study and reflection on sacred words (svadhyaya), one attains contact, communion, or concert with that underlying natural reality or force. The study of the self, whether it be

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The art of suffering, together

I feel I have titled a post this way before? And it would not surprise me as I have delved deeply into this topic many times throughout my life as an adult. Is there an art to suffering, or is it simply a case of those who live an earthly existence must suffer on some level so we may as

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Yoga philosophy – Tapas

Yoga Sutra 2.43 – kaya indriya siddhih ashuddhi kshayat tapasah Tapas – Through the training of the senses (tapas), there comes a destruction of mental impurities, and an ensuing mastery over the body, senses and actions. The 3rd Niyama, 2nd limb of Yoga. Tapas is our heat, our fire, the dedication to practicing methods in which you become a more whole

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Yoga Philosophy – contentment

Yoga Sutra 2.42; santosha anuttamah sukha labhah “From an attitude of contentment (santosha), unexcelled happiness, mental comfort, joy, and satisfaction is obtained.” The final 4 Niyamas (still on the second limb of 8 limbs of Yoga) are my favourites, I’m not sure you are supposed to have favourites when it comes to Yoga philosophy, but complete honesty always! Contentment, true

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Yoga Philosophy on Purity

Moving on from the first limb, of 8, to the second limb of which is Niyama – 5 practices that deal with our personal code of conduct within the world. These are disciplines which, when practiced mindfully and compassionately, will lead to a deeper state of being. To practice these reveals your Truth, and strips back all the crap that

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