healthy eating

Eat right for YOU

How can there be so many different diets that contradict each other, with people swearing that their diet is the best and will heal EVERYTHING? Hmmm…perhaps because we are all individuals, with our own genetics, lifestyles and unique requirements? For some people one way of eating will be a cure while for someone else that very same way may bring

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Start slowly…

After being surrounded by healthy, mindful women all weekend who loved hearing about all things ‘good food’ related I thought I would share a few tips on bringing healthier eating into your home… This is not an overnight ‘quick fix’. Such a thing is unrealistic, and doesn’t work for 98% of people, especially busy Mums with enough on their plate,

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Vanilla Rice Crispies

Another nut free, healthy and satisfying lunchbox treat! You need; 1 1/2 cups shredded coconut 1 cup sunflower seeds 1 vanilla pod/1 tsp vanilla powder/1 tsp vanilla essence 2 TBsp coconut oil 1/4-1/2 cup maple syrup (depending how sweet you want them) 1 cup puffed rice To prepare; Blend all ingredients except the puffed rice together until well combined. Add

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Coconut oat cookies

These yummy cookies are satisfying and nourishing. With no added processed rubbish they are a fantastic lunchbox snack for the little ones as well as a healthy morning tea snack when you are on the go. You can make them gluten free by sourcing gluten free oats, which can be hard to come buy and expensive but worth it to

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5 Tips to transition from Summer to Autumn

There is change in the air. As we transition from the heat of summer to cooler mornings and shorter days there is a need to take more care of our health. According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of life from which yoga flourished, all diseases begin at the junctions of the seasons. Depending on your dosha (constitution) the changing

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Food obsessed!

This week to start off the year with a sweaty bang (keep your minds out of the gutter!) I am participating in an Ashtanga intensive with my amazing teacher Mark Tongi. As is usual practice for me a lot of ‘stuff’ is coming up, which is part of the reason we yogis partake in intensives, it makes us uncomfortable, and

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