healthy recipe

Raw chunky choc slice

I have now had to have an enforced break from this slice, it is simply too good. While there are a few steps it is relatively easy and well worth any effort. A big hit with all members of the family we were rationing it out in the last few batches to make sure everyone got their fix. Hope you

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Pat’s banana bread

This recipe was created with love and patience, and by Lotus and I telling Pat that this batch was crap, then the next one was better, until he finally got it right! Enjoy and please share your feedback xxx Pat’s best Banana Bread Recipe (grain free) Ingredients; 150g of good (organic if possible) butter 4-5 really ripe banana’s – mashed

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Easy Cheesy Icing

Here is my little ones favourite icing for her birthday cakes. While cream cheese is most definitely not something you would usually find in our fridge, this recipe is simple and healthy, leaving out all the usual icing sugar, colours and crap you find in ‘normal’ birthday cakes! 250g Cream cheese (we use the old favourite Philadelphia cream cheese regular,

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Beetroot Bliss

Not only do they look pretty, but they are a crowd pleaser due to the cacao butter which gives them a lovely creamy flavour. This should give you approx 10 bliss balls. You need; 2 cups shredded coconut (plus a handful to roll the balls in) 40g cacao butter (*You can use coconut oil, however it will change the taste

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4 ingredient cookies

4 Ingredient Cookies Before I give you this recipe I need to share with you how I come about creating my treats. I find a recipe I like the look of (this one is from a divine book called Wholefood Simply) and then I jig it around a little so it works for me. This is sometimes out of necessity,

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Vanilla Rice Crispies

Another nut free, healthy and satisfying lunchbox treat! You need; 1 1/2 cups shredded coconut 1 cup sunflower seeds 1 vanilla pod/1 tsp vanilla powder/1 tsp vanilla essence 2 TBsp coconut oil 1/4-1/2 cup maple syrup (depending how sweet you want them) 1 cup puffed rice To prepare; Blend all ingredients except the puffed rice together until well combined. Add

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