natural parenting

A new addition

Pat, Lotus and I will be expecting a new little addition, late August. Before you ask, no it wasn’t an accident. I have had this in my mind for a little while now, since loosing my Dad and wanting to replace him with a puppy or baby straight away. Luckily I have a very strong, stable and supportive husband who

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Book an appointment with yourself

The most regular and heartfelt comment I receive is “I just don’t have time to do anything for myself”. This is completely relatable by so many, especially the woman I see on a daily basis who put themselves last and feel guilty even taking half and hour to sit down for a cup of tea. I have been selfish

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Non doing Never have I experienced such true ‘non-doing’ as I have since being a mother. In recent times life has gotten so incredibly busy, think of when you see a friend you haven’t caught up with in a while and what do most of us say when asked how we are and what we’ve been doing? “I’ve been really

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