
Sunny’s birth story

Well I have been psyching myself up, and doing a bit of umming and ahhhing, about writing this for the past 10 1/2 months. Firstly I felt that sharing my birth story was too personal. Secondly that no-one really cared. And third that it has so much emotion attached to it I just couldn’t muster the energy to type it

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Apologies to the pregnant ones

Dear pregnant ones, I am so very sorry to any of you if I ever made comment on your belly. Whether it was to say that you have ‘really popped’ or you were ‘really showing now’, I’m sorry. As a current pregnant woman myself I am so exhausted by all the comments on my ever expanding stomach. Believe me when

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A new addition

Pat, Lotus and I will be expecting a new little addition, late August. Before you ask, no it wasn’t an accident. I have had this in my mind for a little while now, since loosing my Dad and wanting to replace him with a puppy or baby straight away. Luckily I have a very strong, stable and supportive husband who

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What I know for sure about Mothering…..

Some things I wish I’d known/been told/ believed when I had my baby girl – your baby is going to grow up so fast, that new born cry will turn into a toddler wine, then to a little kid saying ‘pleeeeease’ then before you know it into a teenager who won’t bother saying anything at all. Embrace the moments your

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