
Eat right for YOU

How can there be so many different diets that contradict each other, with people swearing that their diet is the best and will heal EVERYTHING? Hmmm…perhaps because we are all individuals, with our own genetics, lifestyles and unique requirements? For some people one way of eating will be a cure while for someone else that very same way may bring

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Easy Cheesy Icing

Here is my little ones favourite icing for her birthday cakes. While cream cheese is most definitely not something you would usually find in our fridge, this recipe is simple and healthy, leaving out all the usual icing sugar, colours and crap you find in ‘normal’ birthday cakes! 250g Cream cheese (we use the old favourite Philadelphia cream cheese regular,

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Bindi Balls

These beautiful ‘Bindi Balls’ are a balance of all 6 tastes according to Ayurveda – Sweet, Salty, Pungent, Astringent, Bitter and Sour. They are a wonderful treat to enjoy in winter and will keep your digestive fire, or agni, burning bright through the cooler months. You Need; 1 & 1/2 Tsp Cinnamon 1 tsp nutmeg 1 tsp fennel seeds 2

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