Yoga Miami Gold Coast

Just chill the F out!

Having been home for 3 weeks now I was still waiting for my drive to kick back in…still waiting…and then I realised something over the weekend. I’m quite happy for my obsessional need to control everything to take a step back for a few more weeks. This is my little secret, one that most people close to me already know,

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Do as I do

I like to think of myself as a fairly mindful Mother, I rarely raise my voice and if I ever snap at Lotus I will always explain later why I did so. Last week was the first week of school holidays, a time that is only new in our world. Now being a ‘school Mum’ has certainly brought about a

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Go get ’em tiger

Is there something you have always wanted to do, but never made the time for? Or something you know you need to give up, but are too reliant upon it to go without? Get off your butt and do something about it, no seriously, just do it. Have a good hard look at yourself and grow some will power. Ask

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