Technology – friend or foe?
I have always resented and rebelled against technology (and here I am blogging, how far I have come!). I try not to watch too much TV, and don’t really allow my daughter to watch it – well not yet. I always hated having a mobile phone and the fact that we are expected to be “on call” at all times – the amount of times I’ve heard “Where were you? Why didn’t you have your phone on you?”
Ahhhh! I’ll tell you where I was. I was having some time out for myself or some time with my husband, and didn’t feel like having to answer my phone.
Anyway wasn’t it only 15 years ago that none of us even had mobile phones? God forbid – what did we all do when we needed to talk to each other? If we weren’t home, we didn’t answer the phone – simple! But now with texting, facebook, twitter, blogging etc etc etc, we are on call 24 hours a day. We are losing all ability to turn off and enjoy the simple things in life, like having a cup of tea outside in the sunshine where no one can distract you.
Until very recently I had an ancient mobile phone and it did me well. I could talk on it and text on it and I was happy with that. Then it started to die and I accepted the fact that if I was going to get a new phone I may as well sell out and get the ever popular iPhone.
Now I will readily admit at first I was a convert. My husband happily repeated my own words to me, “Get off your stupid phone! I’m here – talk to me!” but now after having it for a month I’m switching back – well sort of. No doubt it’s very useful – when my baby was sick and I couldn’t put her down for a week, I was able to keep working on my website by typing my notes into it, copying, pasting and emailing. I still can’t get over that, amazing! I was also able to kill some time when she was taken to hospital for the night. It was ok to be sleeping in a strange place on a very uncomfortable bed because I had my phone to keep me warm and cosy.
But now more and more I’m finding it’s an energy sucking, time wasting entity which I’m trying to wean myself off. I hate that when I am home with my hubby and little girl that I am compelled to check my phone, and not just for phone calls or messages, but now with our new “smart phones”, we (well I know I) feel the need to check my emails and facebook, and sadly even twitter.
After being frustrated with myself for conforming to this newest part of technology, I have come to some sort of agreement between myself and my phone. I leave it on silent unless I’m waiting for a phone call. I check it only when my baby is in bed and I only check my emails OR facebook (not both) once daily.
I know some of you may be thinking, “But this chick is blogging – what a hypocrite?” Well, whatever – think what you want, we all need to accept technology in our own way and try to use it for the greater good and in the end, if you can’t beat them, join them – but on your own terms.