The women in my life…

In light of the new moon (sorry for the oxymoron!) I feel a pull to share my gratitude for all the wonderful women in my life. As in ancient times us ladies would gather around the new moon to ‘shed’ and discuss ‘secret women’s business’, it was a time to turn within and gain support from your sisters.


Since leaving high school I hadn’t had many close friendships with females. Circumstances lead me to travel alone and meet lots and lots of amazing people, connect with each of them on a superficial level, and move on to the next place. I then met my husband and he became my best friend and confidant. For many years I had many girlfriends who I would see here and there but never develop deep enough relationships with to feel like I wanted to call them up and share my sorrows and joys. It’s not as if I ever felt I was missing out because, again, I had my man by my side every day and he was the one I ran to through every high and low. I actually feel grateful that I didn’t have anyone else in my life throughout these years as it helped to form the incredible relationship I now have with my partner, and this will never change. 

Around 10 years ago I met a very special lady through the gym who I became close with, she showed me support and compassion that I had never experienced before in the form of a feminine friendship, and I began to understand the power of a strong woman presence in my life. Over the past 5 years as I have developed my business and myself I have come to be surrounded by the most incredible females you could ever meet. They are motivated to grow and change, they are inspiring in their dedication to taking care of themselves, and they bring so much to my life. I can’t count how many amazing girlfriends I now have in my life, from fellow teachers who walk beside me and push me to be a stronger business woman, to friends I have had for many many years and am only just really letting them into my heart. I will never be the type of girl who relies on one friend to lean on day after day, that’s what my man is for, but I will be the type of woman who has many friends I can turn to whenever I need, no matter the problem I know I have a special person who will understand it, I know there will be someone who has already walked this path, or who can walk it with me.

Each morning as I finish my meditation I place my hands to my heart and allow myself to feel gratitude for, well everything. My mind starts to go to all the things I have to be grateful for, and I feel overwhelmed because there is just so much. So many people I get to see every week who I care about and who I know care about me, so many ladies I know I can confide in about my inner most thoughts and feelings and they would never judge me, rather agree that they too feel and think these things, they understand my darkest moments and together we realise that we are all one and the same. I know I am a better woman, a better Mother, a better Wife and I lead a more full life due to these many females I am surrounded by daily. I honestly cannot believe how life has lead me to where I am, how the universe has brought all of these incredible souls to me, and how I now feel so supported and secure in my place as a woman in the world.

So thank you – there are too many of you to name, but you know who you are. To every single Yogini, Woman, Female who crosses my path on a regular basis, it is you who I am dedicating this post, these words, to. Even if it is just a small chat each week, even if it is a text message we share, or perhaps just me adjusting you in Downward Facing Dog, I feel your energy, I feel your love and I am so very grateful for your presence in my life. May we always cross paths and share moments of this beautiful life together xxx

Alicia xxx

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There are 2 comments on this post

  1. Alethea
    4 hours ago

    You are such a special soul, your blog and posts often articulate what is in my heart. I love your energy. Surrounded by a wonderful sisterhood, great place to be 🙂

  2. Nicole
    7 hours ago

    This is beautiful . Thanks for sharing x


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