The Wonderful World of Books

BooksToday I spent some time going through my many books – sorting, cleaning and flicking. I have so many ranging from my many yogic texts to books from the Dalai Lama and ones about Nirvana (the band, not the state of being!).

To me, books are a reflection of life – where you have been and where you are hoping to go. With modern technology sweeping in and taking us all into its grasp, I’m confident the humble pages of the written text will not fade away. I’m teaching my baby girl to respect and value books as a source of infinite knowledge, wisdom and an individual’s insight.

I love looking at what books people I respect recommend, reading them and wondering what drew the person into the words in that book. What was it that sat with them so true that they felt the need to pass it on? I have given just a short list below of a few books I feel are a value to all to read. These are just my loves, just my opinion and just precious to me.

The books I am recommending I have held close to my heart. They are not necessarily the best written or have the most accurate information but have sparked something inside of me to bring my inner self to the surface and have helped bring a shift about my mind and life. I will keep adding to this list as I read, and as I remember, more books to inspire and enjoy.

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
Light on Yoga by B.K.S Iyengar
Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
Buddhism for Mothers by Sarah Naphali
Salvation Creek by Susan Duncan

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