Time to wake up

Some of us need a few very large wake up calls to experience truly being ‘awake’. I am one of those people.

I often get comments, or variations, that go along the lines of ‘I wish I could be as good as you’. Well I wasn’t always good, in fact I have been very very bad but that’s a different blog all together! In this post I wanted to share a couple of my wake up calls, and explain why it is that I practice what I do and live the life I live.

In the past I have experienced such severe depression that my then boyfriend, now husband, would have to get me out of bed to shower me. I couldn’t be bothered eating, let alone moving, and all I did was sleep or watch really bad day time television. But one day something must have snapped because I decided things had to change, what was my option? So slowly I started doing things to make myself feel better, it was the old scenario of 2 steps forward 1 step back but I managed to keep moving in the right direction toward a life of balance.

Then I had my baby girl and the proverbial shit once again hit the fan. Same story, bed and bad tv, but this time I had a vulnerable little person who was relying on me so I had to wake up much faster or risk missing out on one of life’s greatest blessings, being a parent. It took my family rallying around me to support taking care of Lotus while I pulled it together, and that was the best thing that has ever happened to me because this is when I really got my shit together once and for all. It took many things, but my practice of yoga, healthy clean eating and exercising outdoors were the big ticket items that, when done religiously,  would keep me smiling and content. When people tell me they just don’t have time to meditate/exercise/prepare healthy meals my initial thought is ‘I don’t have time not to’ because when I drop even just one of my glittering juggling balls of balance I end up in a heap and it wastes not just time but life getting myself back up again.

So why have I decided to share this with the cyber world? I have many people sharing with me feelings of despair, sadness, anxiety and more, I have never hidden the fact that I have struggled in my past, and I needed to let you all know in a very public way that you are not alone. Life is full of struggling, for some of us more than others, but if we were to get very real with each other then perhaps we wouldn’t fall down so often or so dramatically. It took me wanting to be a healthy, happy role model for my daughter to really start taking care of myself, I had fallen over too many times and I was sick of picking myself up, dusting off and starting again that I decided there must be a way to walk steadily and avoid the big falls. I found it. So no, I’m not trying to shove perfection in your face with my lifestyle, I’m simply trying to walk in a balanced even line and be truly ‘awake’.

My ‘awake’ rules;

~Meditate/breathe deep every morning for 20-30minutes

~Daily (6 days a week) yoga of 45min – 2hrs

~Walk most days, run when I need to clear my head, which is usually 2-3 times a week

~Eat whole foods, clean unprocessed, sugar and chemical free. No dairy or meat, minimal caffeine, minimal alcohol. Lots of fruit, vegetables, nuts/seeds, lentils, beans, ancient grains (quinoa, buckwheat) and raw treats. Some seafood thrown in every now and then.

~Have open communication with my husband and a present relationship with my daughter, prioritise my family and time with them over every thing else.

~Read, a lot. Education is a must, stimulation of the brain is key to being alive and awake.

001                                                   Getting better with my baby in my arms


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 by Tricia
Wake up call

Oh my beautiful friend, this made me cry tears of sadness but most of all happiness, I so remember some of those dark days but what stays with me more is the strength determination and passion that drove you to fins you, the beautiful, calm fit and healthy Alicia. You brought me out of my own despair you soothed my soul and made me believe I could do anything and with your love guidance and friendship I came out the other end!!!! I am always in your debt for this and whenever I feel down/flat your voice is in my head saying come on you can do it and you will never know how many times you have and continue to 'save' me!!! I have seen the most amazing changes in you Alicia, all for the better, the best thing is you share your knowledge with everyone who crosses your path,you genuinely care for people, you love what you do and you are truly an inspiration. I know you were sent to me in my time of need and my darkest hour, and the result of this is the most amazing friendship I have had and continue to with you over so many years, getting to know you, Pat and

adorable Lotus, I look forward to many more years of friendship and yoga, thank you for being you and being a part of my life, your are beautiful inside and out and I love you so much, and am so proud of you xoxoxoxo

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