What I know for sure about Mothering…..

Some things I wish I’d known/been told/ believed

when I had my baby girl


– your baby is going to grow up so fast, that new born cry will turn into a toddler wine, then to a little kid saying ‘pleeeeease’ then before you know it into a teenager who won’t bother saying anything at all. Embrace the moments your baby is attached to you.

– a messy house is a lived in home. No one will judge you for not cleaning your floors. Leave it until tomorrow and snuggle your buba.

– you will get a full nights sleep again. Honestly.

– yes your little one will get sick, but it will not be the end of the world. All kids get sick, it’s part of being a kid. But like everything else, it will pass.

– you will get time to yourself again. Slowly but surely your life will regain balance, and before you know it you have a routine. 5 years goes so fast and in no time your baby will be waving goodbye at the school gate.

– your child is going to bring you the most incredible feeling of joy you have ever experienced. They will make you more frustrated than you have ever been in your entire life. They will make you feel more ups and downs that you care to experience, but in the end….they make you feel alive.

– you need to do washing every day. Deal with it. It’s not the end of the world and can actually be quite cathartic.

– whenever you get a spare moment, sit outside and breathe. Or put your baby in the stroller and just walk.

– all stages pass, the good and not so good. Talk to other mothers and you will discover that we all go through similar patterns, you are not alone.

– do something every day just for you, hold on to your identity because you will not always be Mother to little ones. Teach your kids to be themselves by being a strong role model of the same

– be patient. Babies do not mean to cry, don’t take it personally, it’s the only way they communicate. Children do not mean to ask a million questions, it’s the only way they learn.

– most of all remember life and everything that goes with it is impermanent. Tell your babies you love them as often as you can, hug and kiss and spoil them with your time as often as they will allow. This day, just as this life, will pass and in the end it is our children who are our legacy, not our clean homes.

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There are 2 comments on this post

  1. Nicole
    14 hours ago

    This is so beautiful !!! What a sweet little baby girl .. Soooo cute .. Your so inspiring xxx

  2. Ayurwoman
    14 hours ago

    Beautiful article. I’ve already read twice. Baby is so cute and a natural picture


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