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Today I created a HappyFit Facebook page.

It has taken me so long to get myself to do it, but why?

I’m pretty sure it has something to do with lacking confidence in myself and actually being afraid of finally achieving what I have set out to achieve, a functioning financially successful business.

We are such involved beings, we have so many thoughts racing through both our conscious mind and more importantly our sub conscious mind, that all this stuff gets stuck within us and can stop us from living the lives we set out to live. So many of us actually self sabotage so that we remain in our comfort zones never having to face anything that might challenge us or change the way we live our lives, even if that change would be for the better.

But I was inspired by others around me doing it, motivated by the fear of being left behind while ‘they’ went ahead and reached their dreams and helped by a consistently regular yoga practice which manages toclear my mind of the crap for long enough so I can see where I want to be, what I want to be doing and what I need to do to get there.

So welcome facebook, may we be friends through the good times and the bad!

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 by Tricia Percival
Would u like to be my friend?

Yes I would:) Someone once said to me "an inch is a sinch, a yards too hard" small steps and your confidence will grow/is growing, this is what you are doing, not rushing and look at whats happening!!!!! your business will be a here forever one, so be proud of all you achieve and what is yet to come. You have always made me think I can do anything(well within reason ha!ha!) but you can make all your dreams come true and keep sharing your knowledge, you are a special person beautiful inside and out and your teaching reflects this. Keep up the good work, you are now reaping the rewards of all your study, learning and hard work!!!! HappyFit will go far:) proud and happy to be a part of it hopefully for many more years to come. xoxo

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