Spring Clean #1

This iBig Spring Cleans the first of my “Spring Clean” blogs, and I’m both excited and a little scared! I consider myself to be a healthy person, I eat well and exercise daily, I don’t smoke, I don’t drink often and when I do, I stick to a couple of glasses of good red wine. But like most people, I have my vices.

I have a sweet tooth, and I love chocolate! I also wake up to a coffee every morning, which was sneaking up to two a day, and I know in the past I have abused my poor body with overeating and partying.

So I have made the conscious decision to give my digestion a rest, tidy up a few habits which are hurting me in the long run and give my body a big spring clean.

The first point of call is to give up the very common very evil….SUGAR!

Sugar ino sugars in everything and although we don’t keep white sugar in our house, it is in the chocolate I eat (yes, even the organic dark chocolate that I try to tell myself is good chocolate”!)”, it is in the banana bread I get at least once a week with my coffee, and it’s in pretty much all packaged foods in your grocery aisles. Don’t be fooled into believing if the ingredient list doesn’t say sugar that it’s not in there – it’s just in another form. There are many other names for sugar including corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, glucose, sucrose, malt, maltose, maltodextrine, rice syrup and many more.

So I’m taking a stand and saying NO MORE SUGAR! I’m also giving up coffee and red wine and will instead be having green juices and raw snacks to keep me satisfied. I will be doing lots of yoga, pranayama (breathing exercises to cleanse and balance the body and mind), walking, swimming and one more thing….colonics.

I have always wondered about colonics but the whole “tube up the bum thing had turned me off until I had a talk to a yoga friend of mine who swears by them. She sent me to meet the owner of a colonics clinic. The owner of the clinic radiated wellness – she glowed and couldn’t stop talking about the benefits that colonics have brought to her life.

One thing lead to another and I’m booked in for 5 sessions. I will keep you up to date with all these things (don’t worry I won’t go into too much detail on the colonics – I’m sure you can use your imagination there!) and I’ll keep updating on how I am feeling over the next 4 weeks of my detoxing.

Wish me luck!

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