Miami Yoga Gold Coast

Moving Forward

When I teach I let words flow from me. Often they follow similar patterns and themes, but occasionally something comes out that makes me think, Ok this is something I need to look at in my own life. As it flows from me I realise it is obviously in my peripheral vision, this has come up for a reason, and

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5 things Yoga has taught me

Dedication and commitment to one thing can be challenging, sometimes tiring, and no doubt we will question the path. But it also leads to liberation. 1. Stick with it. Sticking with things can be hard. There are so many reasons to quit. It’s too difficult to fit in 1-2hrs practice a day. My body hurts, this can’t be good for

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Creating space

We all know the feeling of being too close to a problem, unable to find a solution as we can’t see the forest through the trees. But how do we create space around issues when life is so busy we seem to move from one thing to the next? I’m yet to discover how to do this in my day

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Yoga Playlist

I often get asked what music I use to chill out, bend and breathe and meditate. Those of you out there who frequent my classes will know that I love a huge range of music, not all of it your usual ‘Yoga’ soundtrack, and you most definitely won’t be hearing any dolphins or bird calls in the HappyFit studio! I

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