Spring Clean #4
Day 12 of my detox and I’m just getting over a sickness/detox side effects – don’t know what on earth has been going on with me! I’ve spent the last 4 days feeling terrible, hardly able to drag myself off the couch. Had bad sinus, absolutely no energy and felt drained and light headed most of the day….prognosis unknown.
I was planning on ramping it up a notch and doing a week of juices, smoothies, raw fruit and veg but I’m a little hesitant now. Back BC (before child) I wouldn’t have even considered not going for it, I’m an all or nothing kind of girl, however add one very busy toddler, a physical job, a house to look after and a husband, and I now think about the fact that I can’t afford to be feeling crummy and also don’t have the time to lay on the couch sleeping it off.
So I’ll see how I go. This time is all about listening to my body and giving it what it needs. I’m booked in for my second colonic tomorrow so we’ll see what that stirs up.
Wish me luck!