The many gifts of being present
How often throughout your day are you completely involved in the task you are performing?
Perhaps you truly love whatyou do for work, and when you are doing it you become so absorbed in it that you forget everything else and before you know it hours have passed you by. But what about when you are doing the menial tasks that are essential in life, likedriving, washing the dishes or hanging out clothes on the line? What about when you are doing simple things such as spending time with friends and family or
walking the dog, how present can you remain while in these moments?
If often used to wonder what amazing things I would experience through yoga and meditation, if I really stuck with my practice what other worlds would I enter in my mind, what visions would I see and what feelings would I feel. After years of practising I can confidently say that the most beneficial art I have learnt through Yoga is bringing myself into the ‘now’ and keeping myself there.
This may seem like a simple process at first but after sitting in meditation for as little as 5 minutes even the calmest person will find themselves fidgeting and allowing their minds to take them on a journey through the past and into the future, completely avoiding this moment. Ancient yogis describe the thinking process (or manas in sanskrit, the traditional language of yoga) as a ‘monkey mind’ our thoughts being like a monkey jumping from branch to branch, or thought to thought, swinging between trees or from one story to the next. Over time, and with dedicated practice, we are able to keep bringing our minds back giving ourselves one thing to focus on, usually the breath or the task at hand, and eventually this leads us to a blissful state in which our true essence guides us rather than our thoughts.
So what’s the point of all this? It may sound a bit alternative and hippy but the art of remaining present is not only beneficial to all but essential in leading a full, happy and healthy life. When we are mindful we are able to get the most out of every moment, every day and every experience.This can bring many positive changes to our lives and lives of those around us.
Being present to bring physical and mental health;
How often do you find yourself looking into the fridge for something to eat out of sheer boredom? Or sitting in front of the television when you know you should get out and go for a walk?
These instances and many more which lead to the majority of our population being overweight, unhealthy and unhappy, can be avoided by simply being aware of your thinking patterns, being in the present moment and developing an inner body awareness. When you have the ability to ‘snap out of it’ you remove yourself from the zoned out state we live most of our lives in and find yourself making healthier choices which lead to happier outcomes. Next time you think you feel like eating ‘bad’ food or find yourself avoiding doing something you know is of benefit to your health, such as exercising, stop and listen to the deeper voice within you, not your thinking voice, but the one that knows what is best for you in the long term, ask yourself “In this very moment is this what I really want or am I just following patterns that have been established within me through past negative actions?” 9 times out of 10 you will do what is correct for your body in that moment. Some times it will be to put your feet up with a nice glass of wine and relax, but at least it will be because you have made the concious decision to do this, and not just because it’s the easiest option.
Being present to create happier relationships;
Life is extremely busy. I am a Mother, a wife, a friend, a small business owner, a practising yogi and much more. On occasion I catch myself thinking about my busy schedule while spending time with my 1 year old daughter, and when I do this I stop what I am doing look at my little girl and pull myself back into her world and back into the precious present moment. When I am fully in the moment I become more emotionally available to my family and I have the ability to be a better Mother, better wife and better person. Ever heard the saying “Life is what happens when we are off making other plans.” Don’t live in your mind, live in
the world around you. The small moments are what make up a wonderful life and if you keep letting them pass you by one day you will wake up old and wondering where all that time went. To create healthy relationships with your children, your partners, your friends and your work colleges it is as simple as being with them, in mind and body. Listen to every word people have to say without thinking about what you want to say in return, feel their presence with you and really enjoy the time you have with your fellow human beings, even the ones you
don’t particularly like as these people are the ones who can teach us the most about ourselves.
Being present to be more successful in business;
“The future depends on what we do in the present.” This quote is from Mahatma Gandhi, a man who desired no wealth, fame or acknowledgement but inspired millions around the world and who’s life
will be remembered throughout time. All he achieved he did through being the change he desired to see in the world, today. Think about what you would do if you could do anything, where you would live, what car you would drive and what changes you would make to your life. So what are you waiting for? Go out and do all you need to do to achieve these things, now. If you really don’t know where to start begin by accomplishing each task you have set for yourself today to
the best of your ability, you need to do all the small things that lead to
achieving great things. Set aside quality time to prepare for business meetings, take time to present yourself well, set goals and be mindful of these goals when making all business and trading decisions, and most of all listen to your instincts. If you consistently practice the art of living in the now you will develop a strong connection with your inner voice, also known as your instincts, and you will begin to be guided by this. Trust in this process and as opportunities present themselves be aware that everything happens for a reason and small chance encounters may lead to something much bigger, watch as you begin to make better choices and feel more confident in the day to day decisions you need to make, watch as the risks you take start to pay off and your wealth starts to grow.
So begin now, today, for tomorrow is too late. Right now bring your attention to your breath, the simple inhale andexhale, let go of all thoughts and just be with what you are doing right here,
right now. Practice this how ever many times it takes, day after day, year in year out, and take note of how everything changes, for a healthier, wealthier and happier life.
The past is history, the future is a mystery and today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present.
One Comment
So love these articles u make me want to be the best i can but u also remind and re confirm how important it is to treasue each moment and be so aware of whats happening now. yoga has helped me heaps but have such a long way to go! Thanks for sharing all of this! x x happy easter x