Eat less Move more

I had the funniest revelation the other day, why do we all search for the perfect ‘diet’ when all we need to do to have our best body is eat less and move more?

I admit I have fallen prey to reading up on fad diets and eating plans whilst having the thought that perhaps this is the way to eat that will cure all my body issues and leave me magically and eternally slim, without taking up too much time or energy.

Although I haven’t ‘dieted’ for years, in my teens and early 20’s I tried them all, the low fat, no carbs, starvation and of course the dreaded cabbage soup diet, which made me gag when I smelt it so basically became another starvation diet. I then turned a corner and became more interested in nutrition rather than weight loss. I began to crave knowledge of the body and food and how they interrelated. I am now a sucker for the next ‘superfood’ and the most natural option for conventional foods. I have come to the realisation if our body can recognise what we are putting into it, it will be able to digest and assimilate the foods rather than storing them, as fat. How well do you think our body can recognise diet coke, or ice cream? Before you eat ask yourself, how far from nature is what I’m about to put into my most precious vehicle for life, my body?

So back to my revelation….even though I am more health conscious than body conscious I am only human, and a woman after all, so like many other human woman I am still weight obsessed. In my work I am constantly talking about how to loose weight, and I can at times become obsessive about it all myself, but the other day I had a thought why do we have to over complicate everything, it’s so simple and deep down we all know it – Eat less and Move more. It’s the old calorie in vs calorie out, and in the end this is the only proven way to achieve long lasting weight loss. Take out a food group and the weight will pile back on as soon as you add it back in, and of course the food group always gets added back in somewhere down the track. Why can’t we all do this though, why has it gotten so out of hand to gain control? Don’t feel bad it’s the world we live in today that has done this to us, it’s not personal and it’s not just you! It’s all the conflicting advice we receive, the media telling us to eat more of the things that are not good for us, and the fact that there is an insane amount of food out there today, way too much variety. Now these reasons actually keep me in a job, which is lucky as I really like what I do! As simple as the whole Eat less Move more theory is we still need to be eating the right foods, at the right times, and exercising in safe and fun ways to keep us motivated. We need to be educated to make the correct decisions until we are able to get back in touch with our intuition and listen to what our bodies need. So next time you are tempted to try that latest diet fad, or just really want to eat your favourite food have the simple thought eat less move more, and put the practice into place!

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One Comment

  1. Tricia Percival
    6 hours ago

    Great reading, and so sensible when you really think about it yet we try to achieve the impossible sometimes and forget the basic simple things of life. So many ‘images’ to live up too and so unrealistic too. Love these ‘food for thought’ articles/ideas you talk about, if nothing else each time I personally read them, I really re-evaluate my daily habits and try to become more aware and practice better eating/exercise habits and also try and be kind to me:) and like myself for who I am!! xoxo


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